They say that this book contains the ONLY truth that we all deserve to know at some point. The author states that he created this material only for those willing to awaken their fictitious reality and learn what has been hidden from us for years.
What will you learn in this book? Chapter 1: GODThe world was created from sound
Who is God?
We Are All There Is
Chapter 2: THE HIDDEN ROOTAliens Created Us: Real Evidence Never Seen Before
Aliens in Earth's Deepest Lake
This giant pyramid changes the whole history of mankind
Our planet could be a cosmic prison
We live in a huge video game programmed by beings far more advanced than we are
Chapter 3: THE CONTROL OF HUMANITYThe great secret of the Simpsons
A "simple" board game that knows what is about to happen
Overwhelming evidence about the elite's plan and ultra-advanced technology
Chapter 4: PLANDEMY AND OUR MENTAL POWERThe cure is closer than you think.
Disease is an illusion.
Fascinating stories of the powers of the mind.
Chapter 5: THE INCOMPRENSIBLE AND IRREALThe Science of Extraterrestrial Craft
and the inexhaustible energy source of
the Aliens.
Anti-gravity technology
Everything has been hidden in nature
Magnitudes that escape our human
human understanding.
The ancestors of mankind
Giant creature seen in Canada by a resident that was eventually silenced.
UFOs everywhere.
Oumuamua: the interstellar visitor.
Testimonies of astronauts, ex-CIA agents
CIA agents and airline pilots about their
about their sightings.
Shocking photographs of UFOs
Chapter 6: NOTHING AND EVERYTHINGThe music of the stars.
The infinite mind.
Shadows of reality.
Chapter 7: TIME TO WAKE UPThree people who were going to open our eyes but mysteriously disappeared.
The man who cured 16 cancer patients with frequency and vibration.
MKUltra: The Secret CIA Experiment Revealed
What are these other 5 books you'll get absolutely FREE? BONUS #1SECRET REVELATIONS valued at $34.99 but FREE today!
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BONUS #321 UFO CASES valued at $19.99 but FREE today
BONUS #4CIA Secret Files on Energy Powers valued at infinitely valuable
BONUS #5The Book of ENOC