The Naga Warriors 1

The Naga Warriors 1

Paperback / softback

20 May, 2024

By Akshat Gupta(Author)

To prepare for the future, our ancestors created the Naga sadhus—a clan of warriors for the protection of Dharma, as proclaimed by Adi Guru Shankarachary...

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Ebury Press

No.of Pages



7.8 X 5.08 X 0 inches


To prepare for the future, our ancestors created the Naga sadhus—a clan of warriors for the protection of Dharma, as proclaimed by Adi Guru Shankaracharya in the eighth century. This sect of Shiva devotees has stood firm, living selflessly and fighting fearlessly. For centuries, they have died the death of heroes, serving and saving Dharma and the temples.

In the year 1757, 111 Naga sadhus borrowed the majestic weapons of the idols of their gods. Fueled by their belief in Lord Shiva, they gathered an invincible courage to protect the temples of Gokul. They stood as an indestructible wall, led by Ajaa, a fearless Naga warrior, against the Afghan army of 4000 men, a cavalry of 200 horses and 100 camels, and 20 cannons. The brutal Afghan army was led by Sardar Khan, the most ruthless commander of Emperor Ahmed Shah Abdali, ill-famed for the demolition of temples and building a history of genocide in Bharat.

The fight continues. This is the Naga warrior’s commitment to courage and determination. This is the clash of Shiva devotees against the devils that lie under men’s skin. This is the Battle of Gokul.

Product Details


:       0143465937


:       9780143465935


:       Ebury Press

Publication date

:       20 May, 2024


:       Fiction


:       Action & Adventure


:       Paperback / softback

Reading Level

:       All

No. of Pages

:       256


:       7.8 X 5.08 X 0 inches

About the Author

Akshat Gupta is a national bestselling author, a TEDx speaker and an excelling screenwriter and dialogue writer in the Indian film industry. The Hidden Hindu series, authored by him, has sold over 1 lakh copies, with each book a national bestseller. Akshat is well known in the publishing industry, as well as in the Indian film industry, with a number of films and web-series signed on his name.

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